" There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates "

If We ignore Our History We Are Condemned To Repeat It

Just because someone opposes US government policy does not mean they oppose the American People. The term "anti-American" as well as "anti-Semitic" is being used to suppress legitimate criticism and dissent in the same way tyrants throughout history have done so (and so whittled away democracy). Click the picture below to watch video ...

Just because someone opposes US government policy does not mean they oppose the American people. The term “anti-American” as well as “anti-Semitic”  is being used to suppress legitimate criticism and dissent in the same way tyrants throughout history have done so (and so whittled away democracy). Click to watch video ...

      When the first tower got hit, I was at work and of course right a way there was a discussion about what's going on... I knew right a way - there was something smelly, something just didn't make sense.... One of the guys said: someone is gonna get nuked...   Another man said: Why do they hate us ?  It seems that some had the answer very quickly :  Because we are so successful !   -   Wow...  How intelligent ..? 

      "Bush nie jest ani Hitlerem ani Stalinem.  Ma natomiast większą władzę niż oni. W porównaniu z Bushem Hitler i Stalin byli żołnierzami w surdutach" jak z czasów kawalerii.  I jest to zagrożenie dla nas wszystkich, że nieograniczona władza prezydenta o ograniczonych zdolnościach umysłowych, pełniącego swój urząd w efekcie wyborow, których przebieg budził wątlipowości, otoczonego przez kręgi petrowładzy, niszczącego środowisko naturalne i lekceważącego międzynarodowe prawo jest użyta jako maszyna do robienia pieniędzy dla jego administracji..."

He doesn't speak for all Canadians...  He says he believes in Jesus...  They believein the same God - they say - the one of Israel.  They are convinced God in on teir site. He doesn't speak for all Americans...   Hi thinks God made him president...  His war for "his kind of democracy" cost us hundrets of thousands of lifes... He says, he believe this issue to be a current and serious threat to the UK national interest "The Israelis believe the Iraqis have hidden their Scud launchers with great care."           "You cannot exercise your powers to the point of humiliation for the others. That is what the Western world -- not only the Americans, the Western world -- has to realize" -  Jean Chretien   "Article 51 of the U.N. charter allows a state to take action in self defense. It doesn't allow you to invade somebody just because you want to invade them," "If you look at those matters, you will come to the conclusion that the attitude of the United States of America is a threat to world peace" - N. Mandela  Jacques Chirac is rejecting U.S. and British attitude and WMD absurd... Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, angered the Bush adminstration, when he said Germany would not be a part of any US "adventures" in Iraq The US is having trouble selling its Iraq policy... Russia is "not shure if they want that kind of democracy"

The United States is a Leading Terrorist State - by N. Chomsky

We can't murder thousands Iraqis simply to pursue America's interest in oil and Israel agenda !

The U.S. ordered the inspectors out 48 hours before they initiated Operation Desert Fox --  military action that didn't have the support of the U.N. Security Council and which used information gathered by the inspectors, target Iraq. SWEENEY : So you are saying that even before this administration came into power, that they were gunning for Iraq? RITTER: Removing Saddam Hussein has been the policy of every American president since George Herbert Walker Bush......  PL -  W ekipie znajdowal sie brytyjski oficer MI6 (brytyjskie tajne sluzby), którego zadaniem bylo zwerbowanie wysokiego ranga urzednika irackiego - powiedzial Ritter.

We are horrified at the lies and deception being perpetrated by ‘the man who stole the presidency’ and his warmongering administration.

 The American Dream

 Stop the War Coalition

"If you look at those matters, you will come to the conclusion that the attitude of the United States of America is a threat to world peace" - N. Mandela 

"You cannot exercise your powers to the point of humiliation for the others. That is what the Western world -- not only the Americans, the Western world -- has to realize" -  Jean Chrétien  

US policy as a neutral broker between Israeli and the Palestinians is a cruel joke ( Prof. Karen Pfeifer ) .


"I saw George Bush at a benefit concert actually waving at Steve Wonder," she says, incredulously. "Someone had to tell him 'he can't see you'."  "Before September 11, I remember asking on TV if Bush knew where Europe was.  "Suddenly, you couldn't say anything about him..."   You had to act as if he was Einstein."  ( more... )


When President Bush spoke of "outrageous conspiracy theories" he was for the first time acknowledging something of great significance. There are informed viewpoints completely missing from the propaganda war being relentlessly waged on Americans about 9/11 and its aftermath, viewpoints which are as opposite from the official story ...



"While this analysis follows closely in the footsteps... of analysis from The Emperor’s New Clothes (tenc.net) it is considerably more complete and thorough in its scope."  editors at SCOOP, http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0202/S00079.htm  -  "very substantial piece.... everyone interested in [9/11] should get a copy...  absolutely superb as a timeline analysis of everything that was going on... and raising extremely searching questions" 


My father and I both served in the military. He is a veteran of WWII and landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day in 1944. I was a member of the Army Nurse Corps for eight years and am a veteran of the Gulf War. Neither of us trust or support the present administration. Anyone that would steal an election in broad daylight would not hesitate to allow this attack to go forward to further their own ends politically.  ( more from Marcy Roberts )


How stupid do they think we are ?  “THE GRAND CHESSBOARD – American Primacy And It’s Geostrategic Imperatives,” Zbigniew Brzezinski, Basic Books, 1997. 

These are the very first words in the book, “Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power.” - p. xiii. Eurasia is all of the territory east of Germany and Poland, stretching all the way through Russia and China to the Pacific Ocean. It includes the Middle East and most of the Indian subcontinent. The key to controlling Eurasia, says Brzezinski, is controlling the Central Asian Republics. And the key to controlling the Central Asian republics is Uzbekistan. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Uzbekistan was forcefully mentioned by President George W. Bush in his address to a joint session of Congress just days after the attacks of September 11 as the very first place that the U.S. military would be deployed. ( more... )


 " FEMA is only for hurricanes, the Florida recount can wait, Timothy McVeigh blew up a big building with the same sort of fertilizer used to cover up his cohorts, Osama bin Laden is an ungrateful madman just like Saddam and Noriega and all the other thugs we've hugged, Bush's "War on Drugs" is just as urgent and honest as his "War on Terrorism". And kids as precious as our own being blown up in Afghanistan should just get out of the way. We have to get bin Laden. Or maybe we don't. It's no longer clear. For sure, we have to topple the Taliban. What they're doing to women must be stopped. But now our leaders say maybe it would be okay if they rule the southern half of the country and let us take the rest where the pipelines have to go through" ( more...


On the 9th of September while General Ahmad was in the US, the leader of the Northern Alliance Commander Ahmad Shah Masood was assassinated. The Northern Alliance had informed the Bush Administration that the ISI was allegedly implicated in the assassination.( more...


Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack   Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks. ( Washingtonpost Newsbytes)


When Andrew Card interrupted the 298th reading of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by whispering words of fire and death into the ear of George W. Bush as he sat with schoolchildren on September 11th, 2001, Mr. Bush's face betrayed not a hint of surprise and shock.

Now, we know why !


In the months leading up to 11 September US agencies and officials received a series of intelligence warnings and reports of suspicious activity: December 2000 Intelligence agencies report "an increase in traffic concerning terrorist activities". February 2001 Instructors at a flying school in Phoenix, Arizona express concern to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials about the poor English and limited flying skills of one of their students, Hani Hanjour. ( more... )


The book of journalist Thierry Meyssan titled «The Appalling Fraud» (L’Effroyable Imposture) published in France several months ago is continuing to remain one of the most read publications in Europe.

The book of journalist Thierry Meyssan titled «The Appalling Fraud» (L’Effroyable Imposture) published in France several months ago is continuing to remain one of the most read publications in Europe .

Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions! 

As everyone knows, on 11 September, less than an hour after the attack on the World Trade Centre, an airplane collided with the Pentagon. The Associated Press first reported that a booby-trapped truck had caused the explosion. The Pentagon quickly denied this. The official US government version ... ( more... )


The violence stems from injustice, because people feel they have been treated unfairly, whether that means military occupation, starvation under U.N. sanctions, whether it means that they have a dictatorship imposed on them, propped up by the West. This is why people turn to violence, because they have no other avenue left. ( Robert Fisk )


Unless we understand the why of these terroristic acts, the motivation behind them, we can not prevent a repeat of such terrorism in the future. We Americans must ask ourselves why we now suffer such terror. Will Anyone Dare to Ask Why?  ( more... )


" Had I known that the enemy was going to use airplanes to kill on that fateful morning, I would have done everything in my power to protect the American people " ( more )


The Washington Axis has found that war and wrapping themselves in the flag is just what was needed to divert the public from bread and butter issues, inducing the public to revel instead in the game of war  ( more )

Vietnam Veterans Against the War Anti- Imperialist is part of a network of anti-imperialist veterans who are proud of our resistance to U.S. aggression around the world. In the 1970s, to be a Vietnam veteran was to be against the war. That proud legacy must be carried forward into the new millennium. As veterans, we have been to the edge and seen the viciousness of America unmasked. We have no doubt that the bastards who sent us to war will use their nuclear arsenal, along with unspeakably cruel conventional weapons, to maintain their empire, After the Gulf War, and now with their so-called war on terrorism, do you? ( more )


You are a hungry Afghan citizen. One of these, dropped by U.S. planes, is a container of food; the other is a packet of explosives. Which one do you choose? [Click on the yellow package of your choice.]


Is Mr. Bush going to retaliate by dropping 7-ton "daisy-cutter" bombs on Langley, Virginia, in keeping with his "Total War" doctrine? Or are the bombs (including the heinous cluster bombs that kill or mutilate unsuspecting children) reserved only for lower life forms, unpeople in Orwellian parlance, such as Afghans, Pakistanis and Arabs, as well as Filipinos, Somalis and Iranians in the near future? There are persistent rumors that Mr. Bush's underlings have constructed a list of potential targets comprising over 50 countries. But why stop there? There are about 190 countries and almost all of them are inhabited by lower life forms, unpeople, despicable creatures who cannot even speak the fifth-grade English used as standard language in America, do not understand baseball and are in dire need of being taught abject fear of and servile subjection to Israel and the U.S., the hegemons of our times  ( more )


Protests in Madrid against Bush's visit

There have been protests in Madrid against Bush's visit


Unwelcome in Berlin


 " In 1987, with the Berlin Wall at his back, Ronald Reagan delivered what was arguably the finest speech of his presidency, exhorting Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear town this wall". Two years later, the Soviet leader obliged. When Jack Kennedy arrived in West Berlin, schools and factories were shut for the day, and its boulevards lined with thousands of well-wishers waving tiny American flags. By contrast, George W Bush will witness the biggest security operation that the Germans have ever mounted in post-war history, with some 10,000 police officers sealing off a 14-block area around the Brandenburg Gate, the very spot where Ronald Reagan received such a rapturous ovation. Thousands of protesters have been taking to the streets, many carrying signs reading: "Yankee go home".  Even there, he is likely to receive a hostile reaction from leaders in Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's centre-left government, who have long accused America of unilateralist bloody-mindedness. ( more )


"Yankee go home" 

Some 240 separate groups took to the street on Tuesday, mostly to protest against American foreign policy. The 10,000 protesters marched peacefully through Berlin’s city centre chanting "Yankee go home" and waving banners reading "God Less America" and "Axis of Evil runs through the Pentagon". ( more )



France turns heat on Bush

Correspondents say the cordial welcome the president received in Russia is unlikely to be replicated in France, where big street protests are expected. 

Mr. Bush ended his trip to Russia by attending religious services at a Russian Orthodox Cathedral and a Jewish Synagogue in St Petersburg on Sunday. The landmark visit culminated in the signing of an a Russia-US agreement to reduce nuclear warheads by two-thirds. 

Thousands of protesters are expected to take to the streets in both locations and a huge security operation has been mounted for Mr. Bush's visit.

The protests are expected to be dominated by those opposed to America's Middle East policy, to the death penalty, and by environmentalists unhappy with the US withdrawal from the Kyoto agreement on greenhouse gas emissions.

The BBC's Nick Bryant, who is traveling with Mr. Bush, says a suspicion-filled gulf has opened up between America and many of its European allies on a number of important issues.  ( more )


Throughout the world those with a more distant perspective on this tragedy on American soil have been able to step back and ask not just how this happened, but why. Before we commit ourselves to further violent action, we should understand that the root cause of this tragedy is past violence and overly hasty action. ( more )


"Everything is changed now" "There's no ambiguity this time""This is America's new Good War"Yet the seemingly clear patriotic ring of December 7, 1941 has more of a rusty clank for some...

More about Pearl Harbor

The real reason for Hiroshima and Nagasaki was to demonstrate to Russia and the rest of the world the awesome power of America’s new weapon of mass terror !!!



One of The Most Outspoken Views on 9/11

" The success  of a magician's simulation of doing the impossible depends upon misleading the minds of his audiences "



9/11 Special -  Dutch Television  Documentary - Was 9/11 more than just an attack? Could the Bush administration have had anything to gain from the attack?





Professor Griffin speech on "omissions and distortions" in the report amount to a cover-up by government officials and says that the available evidence suggests that the Bush administration was complicit in the 9/11 attacks             JUST WATCH IT !

Tell me what you think after you see this video.

     David Ray Griffin takes a critical look at the official 9/11 Commission Report. Professor Griffin argues that "omissions and distortions" in the report amount to a cover-up by government officials and says that the available evidence suggests that the Bush administration was complicit in the 9/11 attacks. Professor Griffin covers topics he says have been inadequately answered by the commission. These include questions surrounding the attack on the Pentagon, the way in which the World Trade Center towers collapsed, and the behavior of President Bush and his Secret Service detail following notification that a second plane had hit the WTC. The talk was hosted by the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth (www.mujca.com) and took place at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Includes Q&A.


Film Documents Alleged Massacre of 3,000 Taliban Prisoners in Afghanistan


Pilger Breaking The Silence

Award-winning journalist John Pilger investigates the discrepancies between American and British claims for the 'war on terror' and the facts on the ground as he finds them in Afghanistan and Washington, DC.

   Award-winning journalist John Pilger investigates the discrepancies between American and British claims for the 'war on terror' and the facts on the ground as he finds them in Afghanistan and Washington, DC.

    In 2001, as the bombs began to drop, George W. Bush promised Afghanistan "the generosity of America and its allies". Now, the familiar old warlords are regaining power, religious fundamentalism is renewing its grip and military skirmishes continue routinely. In "liberated" Afghanistan, America has its military base and pipeline access, while the people have the warlords who are, says one woman, "in many ways worse than the Taliban".

    In Washington, Pilger conducts a series of remarkable interviews with William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, and leading Administration officials such as Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, and John Bolton, Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. These people, and the other architects of the Project for the New American Century, were dismissed as 'the crazies' by the first Bush Administration in the early 90s when they first presented their ideas for pre-emptive strikes and world domination.


 Finansowanie Hitlera przez korporacje Wall Street

BBC 'Banking with Hitler' Wall Street sponsorem Hitlera i NSDAP

Udział IBM Rockefellera (CFR) w Zagładzie Żydów. Video

Nazistowska przeszłosć rodziny Busha. "Bush is NOT a NAZI...".

Video  http://www.thedossier.ukonline.co.uk

Galloway wipes the floor with Sky News anchor


TerrorStorm (Alex Jones) Documentary Video


What kind of message is this sending to the rest of the world ?

Coronado military base - California

What kind of message is this sending to the rest of the world ?

Video  Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land

Video  Reality in Israel and Palestine

The Power of Nightmares
The Power of Nightmares, The Rise of the Politics of Fear

BBC series of documentary films on neocons dirty politics

Part 1 - 60 min Part 2 - 60 min Part 3 - 60 min
The Power Of Nightmares Pt 1 of 3 The Power Of Nightmares Pt 2 of 3 The Power Of Nightmares Pt 3 of 3
Info from http://en.wikipedia.org

   In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares. The most frightening of these is the threat of an international terror network. But just as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares.  In a new series, the Power of Nightmares explores how the idea that we are threatened by a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion.  It is a myth that has spread unquestioned through politics, the security services and the international media.  At the heart of the story are two groups: the American neo-conservatives and the radical Islamists.

"In principle, the most important thing is life.

          Yet, where there is life, the most important

                    thing is freedom.  We give up life for freedom

                              And then we do not know what is most important."

The cover-up of the reality behind 9/11/01 began immediately after the attack, and consisted of many different facets.

What Really Happened - The history the government hopes you DON'T learn

Bush Knew



Demanding a Congressional Inquiry of 9/11 

The CIA met Bin Laden while undergoing treatment at an American Hospital last July in Dubai. 

America's most powerful spy agency NSA  One of the most bizarre ironies of all this is that five of the hijackers lived in a motel right outside the gates of the NSA

US Intelligence and Security Agencies

The Forbidden Truth

Democracy NOW

More about the book

From a 'harmless idiot' to a 'dangerous fool'

From a 'harmless idiot' to a 'dangerous fool'

The answers are here

10 million daily in American aid to Israel

Americans Against World Empire, Americans Against Bombing



“What is important for the US now is to find out why they did that. America should remove the cause that made them do it.”

Hijacker of Flight 11- alive


GW Bush Has Executed 131 Inmates - Many With Seriously Flawed Trials

Even ''Indian Territory’s'' notorious ''Hanging Judge, took more than two decades to eliminate a grand total of 79 men. 

George Bush -The Father:
Unauthorized Biography

ter·ror·ist (ter'er-ist) n. 1. One who engages in acts or an act of terrorism

Bush' previous visit to Europe

protests in Gothenburg

Thousands of Israelis missing near WTC, Pentagon.

Israeli Spy Ring Uncovered in U.S.

Media coverage of Israel's underground in the USA


New World

new world

 Our Americas. Politics, democracies, failed utopias, and the heirs of colonialism: from Canada to Argentina.


Smash Fascism!

"Gott Mit Uns"

"In God We Trust"

Bush Family Values

Bush Family Values


Media Flash

Wake Up Call for america ? 

A wake Up Call For America - Special Bible Study By Pastor Rob Robinson - Click here to listen

"The People Will Not Go to War Over Imperialism." A New Look at the Reality of 9/11


The Emperor's New Clothes

Stop World War


"It Would Be Easier If I Was Dictator"

Why peace?

Peace, No War

" Land of the Free "

Bush  given  idiot's  guide  to  Europe

Press  attacks Bush

Questions, questions, questions

More questions

  Wake up call  for America ?

Listen to MP 3


Jews Against Zionism - Stop Zionist War Machine !



Stop Zionist War Machine !




The Hour













great_seal_reverse.jpg (29074 bytes)


W roku 1936 ukazała się w Niemczech książka zatytułowana Unser Amerika ...Jedno z założeń polityki zagranicznej III Rzeszy opierało się na dążeniu do zjednoczenia wokół nazizmu wszystkich Niemców mieszkających poza krajem. Scementowani, mieli rozbijać jedność państw, w których żyli. Ta konsolidacja w istocie oznaczała ich nazyfikację.

W roku 1936 ukazała się w Niemczech książka zatytułowana Unser Amerika ...Jedno z założeń polityki zagranicznej III Rzeszy opierało się na dążeniu do zjednoczenia wokół nazizmu wszystkich Niemców mieszkających poza krajem. Scementowani, mieli rozbijać jedność państw, w których żyli...


Zionist and Nazis working together





9-minute streaming video clip from Greg Palast for BBC's Newsnight   

FBI Told to Back Off Bin Ladens and Saudis


Here In Reality



The Dossier UK




The American War ???

The "Clean Break" report


MSNBC Live Vote: Should Bush be impeached? - Politics - .com




Impeachment in 2007

Our Constitutional Duty


North American Union ???









The Crimes of Empire



Ron Paul On Real Time With Bill Maher





Scholars for 9/11 Truth


From The Wilderness


Yeh Hum Naheen

9/11 Truth Movement Sites 9/11 Truth Videos 9/11 Commission Report and Defenders 9/11 Families
911Truth.org 9/11: Press for Truth 9-11Commission.gov WTC United Family Group
9/11Blogger.com Loose Change National Institute of Standards and Technology Families of September 11
Physics911.net 9/11 Mysteries Popular Mechanics September 11th Families Association
Scholars for 9/11 Truth David Ray Griffin's 9/11 The Myth and the Reality   Peaceful Tomorrows
Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice 9-11 Ripple Effect    
Complete 9/11 Timeline Painful Deceptions    
Pilots for 9/11 Truth September 11 Revisited    
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth 911 Eyewitness    
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth  


Andreas Von Buelow Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11


9/11 Information Center  
Veterans for 9/11 Truth  



"American DIPLOMACY" IN THE Middle East

If We ignore Our History We Are Condemned To Repeat It

Copyright  2002 Banaszak Family - All rights allowed