" There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates "

If We ignore Our History We Are Condemned To Repeat It

Just because someone opposes US government policy does not mean they oppose the American People. The term “anti-American” as well as “anti-Semitic”  is being used to suppress legitimate criticism and dissent in the same way tyrants throughout history have done so (and so whittled away democracy). Click the picture below to watch video ...

Just because someone opposes US government policy does not mean they oppose the American people. The term “anti-American” as well as “anti-Semitic”  is being used to suppress legitimate criticism and dissent in the same way tyrants throughout history have done so (and so whittled away democracy). Click to watch video ...

The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives - Zbigniew Brzezinski

The Grand Chessboard - Zbigniew Brzezinski,  1997

A War in the Planning for Years ... 

Brzezinski, known for his hard-line policies on the Soviet Union, initiated a campaign supporting mujaheddin in Pakistan and Afghanistan, which were run by Pakistani security services with financial support from the CIA and Britain's MI6.

After 9/11 Brzezinski was criticized for his role in the formation of the mujaheddin network, which would later become Al Qaeda. He asserted that rightful blame ought to lay at the feet of the Soviet Union, whose invasion he claimed radicalized the relatively stable Muslim society. Brzezinski also became a leading critic of the Bush administration's "war on terror."



Zbigniew Brzeziński in Afghanistan in 1979

Some painted him as a neoconservative because of his links to Paul Wolfowitz and his 1997 book The Grand Chessboard, which frankly discussed U.S. empire. It was in that book that he made his "controversial" statement that a new Pearl Harbor would be needed to obtain the consent of the population to the war agenda.  HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE  ?  Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR put war plans in a 1997 book. It is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," said a former German Defense and NATO official who warned of global domination in 1984. 

These are the very first words in the book: "Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power."- p. xiii. Eurasia is all of the territory east of Germany and Poland, stretching all the way through Russia and China to the Pacific Ocean. It includes the Middle East and most of the Indian subcontinent. The key to controlling Eurasia, says Brzezinski, is controlling the Central Asian Republics. And the key to controlling the Central Asian republics is Uzbekistan. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Uzbekistan was forcefully mentioned by President George W. Bush in his address to a joint session of Congress, just days after the attacks of September 11, as the very first place that the U.S. military would be deployed. ( http://globalresearch.ca/articles/RUP111B.html )

Zbigniew Brzeziński, zagorzały antykomunista, były doradca prezydenta Carter'a, o przyczynach wojny w Iraku: "Uważam, że była to kombinacja głupoty i fanatyzmu. Głupoty u poszczególnych osób na wysokim szczeblu, tzn. bardzo uproszczona wizja świata, dodatkowo zaogniona za-machem 11 września. Z drugiej strony był fanatyzm grupy tzw. neokonserwatystów mających bliskie powiązania z par-tią Likud w Izraelu, z którą współpracowali od lat jeszcze przed przyjściem do władzy. Neokonserwatyści dostrzegli okazję do rozwalenia Iraku, najsilniejszego państwa arabs-kiego - żeby wzmocnić pozycję Izraela. ...Trzeba wziąć pod uwagę obecność fanatycznej i wyjątkowo głupiej prawicy religijnej w Ameryce. Jest to prawica chrześcijańska. Ta pra-wica wychodzi z założenia, że Ziemia Święta to jest coś wy-jątkowego, że nastąpi tzw. Drugie Przyjście i wobec tego trzeba działać energicznie, pomagać Izraelowi. Oni uważają, że jak już nadejdzie koniec świata, to albo wszyscy Izraelici muszą się nawrócić na chrześcijaństwo, albo skończą w piekle."

Wielka Szachownica - The Grand Chessboard - Zbigniew Brzezinski

Wielka Szachownica - The Grand Chessboard

  Opinia Brzezińskiego jest odzwierciedleniem moich prywatnych wniosków na temat globalnej polityki amerykańskiej ale jest w tym pewien problem... Brzeziński swoją książką odsłania drugie oblicze swojego politykierstwa.  Jego własne dzieło: Wielka Szachownica" zostało wykorzystane przez administrację Busha i Cheney'ego oraz 25 - 30 osobową grupę neokonserwatystów ( większość z nich  to obywatele amerykańscy, żydowskiego pochodzenia min. Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer...) w celu wzmocnienia pozycji Israela na Bliskim Wschodzie. Ci ludzie za pomocą perversji wyborów amerykańskich, kłamstw oraz manipulacji informacjami o broni masowego rażenia wciągnęli Amerykę oraz całe jej spoleczeństwo w wojnę w Afganistanie i Iraku.  Stworzyli wizję śmiertelnego zagrożenia Ameryki w postaci Al Qaidy, którą przecież kilka lat wcześniej Z. Brzeziński oraz ówczesna administracja USA zwerbowała oraz wspomagała finansowo i militarnie, w walce Rosją w Afganistanie...   Czyżby w ten sposób, krytykując obecną administrację USA, budował sobie alibii na przyszłość ?  Niemniej jednak, książkę polecam każdemu w celu łatwiejszego zrozumienia obecnej sytuacji politycznej.  Prawdziwy "rozkład jazdy" do wprowadzenia totalnego terroru oraz globalnej dyktatury USA.

Zygmunt B.                   


Hegemony or Survival By Noam Chomsky  

America's Quest for Global Dominance

". . . reading Chomsky today is sobering and instructive . . . He is right to demand that officials in Washington devote themselves more zealously to strengthening international institutions, curbing arms flows and advancing human rights." --Samantha Power, New York Times Book Review

". . . bound to be met with skepticism . . . Chomsky builds his arguments carefully, substantiates claims with appropriate documentation and answers expected counterclaims" --Publishers Weekly

"Chomsky offers a cautionary look at where we may be headed as a nation and the growing threats to world peace and personal freedom." --Booklist

"If, for reasons of chance, or circumstance (or sloth), you have to pick just one book on the subject of the American Empire, I'd say pick this one. It's the Full Monty. It's Chomsky at his best. Hegemony or Survival is necessary reading." --Arundhati Roy

Od ponad pół wieku Stany Zjednoczone realizują swoją wielką strategię... Hegemonia albo przetrwanie By Noam Chomsky

Hegemony or Survival By Noam Chomsky - Noam Chomsky is a major scholarly resource… not to have read him is to court genuine ignorance” – The Nation.

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"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. [. . .] Power it not a means, it is an end.", George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

Nineteen Eighty-Four , by George Orwell 1903 - 1950

Writen in 1948 Fiction Book,  of Today's Reality

The book has three chapters titled, "War is Peace", "Ignorance is Strength" and "Freedom is Slavery", which are also the main slogans of the party. The main ideas of the book are:

" Kto kontroluje przeszłość, kontroluje przyszłość, kto kontroluje teraźniejszość, kontroluje przeszłość "

- War is important for consuming the products of human labour; if this work were be used to increase the standard of living, the control of the party over the people would decrease. War is the economic basis of a hierarchical society.- There is an emotional need to believe in the ultimate victory of Big Brother.

- In becoming continuous, war has ceased to exist. The continuity of the war guarantees the permanence of the current order. In other words, "War is Peace"

- There have always been three main strata of society; the Upper, the Middle and the Lower, and no change has brought human equality one inch nearer.

- Collectivism doesn't lead to socialism. In the event, the wealth now belongs to the new "upper-class", the bureaucrats and administrators. Collectivism has ensured the permanence of economic inequality.

- Wealth is not inherited from person to person, but it is kept within the ruling group.

- The masses (proles) are given freedom of thought, because they don't think!  A Party member is not allowed the slightest deviation of thought, and there is an elaborate mental training to ensure this, a training that can be summarised in the concept of doublethink.

Władza polega na poniżaniu i na zadawaniu bólu. Władza oznacza rozrywanie umysłów na strzępy i składanie ich ponownie według obranego przez siebie modelu - George Orwell - Rok 1984 - Wydanie Polskie

George Orwell - Rok 1984 - ( wydano w 1948 r.) Jest rok 1984. Władzę nad całym światem sprawują trzy mocarstwa, w których panuje taki sam ustrój oparty na nienawiści, przemocy, okrucieństwie i strachu. Niemożliwy jest najmniejszy bunt, niedozwolona jest miłość; obywatele są inwigilowani dwadzieścia cztery godziny na dobę - pilnuje ich Policja Myśli, znajomi, sąsiedzi, nawet własne dzieci. Na zrujnowane miasta, w których żyją wygłodniali i upodleni ludzie, co dzień spadają bomby. Dla nikogo nie ma nadziei. A jednak nawet na gruzach cywilizacji może zrodzić się uczucie: Winston i Julia, najtragiczniejsza para kochanków w historii literatury, usiłują walczyć o swoją godność i prawo do miłości. Lecz czy w państwie totalitarnym wolno kochać kogo innego niż Wielkiego Brata?

"Władza polega na poniżaniu i na zadawaniu bólu. Władza oznacza rozrywanie umysłów na strzępy i składanie ich ponownie według obranego przez siebie modelu" - George Orwell - Rok 1984



Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II -

Updated Through 2003, by William Blum

If you flip over the rock of American foreign
policy of the past century, this is what crawls out

invasions ... bombings ... overthrowing governments ... suppressing movements for social change ... assassinating political leaders ... perverting elections ... manipulating labor unions ...  manufacturing "news" ... death squads ... torture ... biological warfare ...  depleted uranium ... drug  trafficking ...  mercenaries ...

William Blum is a former State Department official. He is the author of three books: Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Rogue State: a guide to the World's Only Super Power, and West-Bloc Dissident: a Cold War Political Memoir.

If you flip over the rock of American foreign policy of the past century, this is what crawls out :  invasions ... bombings ... overthrowing governments ... suppressing movements for social change ... assassinating political leaders ... perverting elections ... manipulating labor unions ... manufacturing news ... death squads ... torture ... biological warfare ... depleted uranium ... drug trafficking ... mercenaries ...



„ Czy podczas "zimnej wojny" przypadkiem nas nie oszukano?  Czy naprawdę była to wojna pomiędzy totalitaryzmem i demokracją, czy też tylko odwieczna konfrontacja pomiędzy przeważającą na kuli ziemskiej społecznością biednych i będącą w mniejszości społecznością bogatych ?

Państwo zła - W. Blum.  William Blum odszedł z Departamentu Stanu w 1967 roku, rezygnując z kariery w amerykańskim MSZ ze względu na swoje krytyczne poglądy wobec polityki i poczynań Stanów Zjednoczonych w Wietnamie.

W latach 1972-1973 przebywał jako niezależny dziennikarz w Chile, pisząc o „socjalistycznym eksperymencie” rządu Allende, a potem o tragicznym zamachu stanu inspirowanym przez CIA. Te historyczne doświadczenia ugruntowały jego osobiste poglądy i wzmogły dociekliwość co do działań rządu amerykańskiego w różnych zakątkach świata.

Obecnie mieszka w Waszyngtonie, gdzie zgłębia zbiory Narodowego Archiwum i Biblioteki Kongresu w poszukiwaniu materiałów do nowych publikacji. Odbywa liczne spotkania i wygłasza odczyty dla młodzieży akademickiej na uniwersytetach w USA i za granicą. Ma polskie korzenie - jego rodzice pochodzili z Polski.

„ Gdybym został prezydentem, wstrzymałbym ataki terrorystyczne skierowane przeciwko Stanom Zjednoczonym w ciągu kilku dni i nieodwołalnie. Najpierw przeprosiłbym wszystkie wdowy i sieroty, ludzi torturowanych i doprowadzonych do ubóstwa i miliony innych ofiar amerykańskiego imperializmu. Następnie ogłosiłbym wszem i wobec i z ręką na sercu, że kończę z amerykańskimi interwencjami gdziekolwiek na świecie. "Poinformowałbym Izrael, że nie jest już pięćdziesiątym pierwszym stanem USA"

„ Czy podczas zimnej wojny przypadkiem nas nie oszukano?  Czy naprawdę była to wojna pomiędzy totalitaryzmem i demokracją, czy też tylko odwieczna konfrontacja pomiędzy przeważającą na kuli ziemskiej społecznością biednych i będącą w mniejszości społecznością bogatych ?"



Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions   Listen - Download Show mp3

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John Perkins is a former respected member of the international banking community. In his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man he describes how as a highly paid professional, he helped the U.S. cheat poor countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars by lending them more money than they could possibly repay and then take over their economies.

John Perkins describes himself as a former economic hit man - a highly paid professional who cheated countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars.

20 years ago Perkins began writing a book with the working title, "Conscience of an Economic Hit Men. [ Read More - Watch Video ]



Palestine Peace Not Apartheid

Palestine Peace Not Apartheid

by Jimmy Carter                                                               Video

Jimmy Carter on Palestine - Watch MSNBC Video

Following his #1 New York Times bestseller, Our Endangered Values, the former president, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, offers an assessment of what must be done to bring permanent peace to Israel with dignity and justice to Palestine.

President Carter, who was able to negotiate peace between Israel and Egypt, has remained deeply involved in Middle East affairs since leaving the White House. He has stayed in touch with the major players from all sides in the conflict and has made numerous trips to the Holy Land, most recently as an observer in the Palestinian elections of 2005 and 2006.

In this book President Carter shares his intimate knowledge of the history of the Middle East and his personal experiences with the principal actors, and he addresses sensitive political issues many American officials avoid. Pulling no punches, Carter prescribes steps that must be taken for the two states to share the Holy Land without a system of apartheid or the constant fear of terrorism.

The general parameters of a long–term, two–state agreement are well known, the president writes. There will be no substantive and permanent peace for any peoples in this troubled region as long as Israel is violating key U.N. resolutions, official American policy, and the international “road map” for peace by occupying Arab lands and oppressing the Palestinians. Except for mutually agreeable negotiated modifications, Israel’s official pre–1967 borders must be honored. As were all previous administrations since the founding of Israel, U.S. government leaders must be in the forefront of achieving this long–delayed goal of a just agreement that both sides can honor. Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid is a challenging, provocative, and courageous book.



Conservatives Without Conscience

  Conservatives Without Conscience.  John Dean takes a sobering look at how radical elements are destroying the Republican Party along with the very foundations of American democracy. John Dean's last New York Times bestseller, Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush, offered the former White House insider's unique and telling perspective on George W. Bush's presidency.

   Once again, Dean employs his distinctive knowledge and understanding of Washington politics and process to examine the conservative movement's current inner circle of radical Republican leaders—from Capitol Hill to Pennsylvania Avenue to K Street and beyond. In Conservatives Without Conscience, Dean not only highlights specific right-wing-driven GOP policies but also probes the conservative mind-set, identifying recurring qualities such as the unbridled viciousness toward those daring to disagree with them, as well as the big business favoritism that costs taxpayers billions.

    Dean identifies specific examples of how court packing is seeking to form a judiciary that is activist by its very nature, how religious piety is producing politics run amok, and how concealed indifference to the founding principles of liberty and equality is pushing America further and further from its constitutional foundations.  By the end, Dean paints a vivid picture of what's happening at the top levels of the Republican Party, a noble political party corrupted by its current leaders who cloak their actions in moral superiority while packaging their programs as blatant propaganda. Dean, certainly no alarmist, finds disturbing signs that current right-wing authoritarian thinking, when conflated with the dominating personalities of the conservative leadership could take the United States toward its own version of fascism.


     Political Ponerology - Laura Knight Jadczyk

    Here is a few thoughts that many of us can recognize in “new world order” - the policy adopted before by Stalin, Hitler and now George Bush’s administration :

 …My work has shown me that the vast majority of people want to do good, to experience good things, think good thoughts, and make decisions with good results. And they try with all their might to do so! With the majority of people having this internal desire, why the Hell isn’t it happening?  I was naive !!! 

     Imagine - if you can - not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a single one in your whole life, no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken. And pretend that the concept of responsibility is unknown to you, except as a burden others seem to accept without question, like gullible fool.

Political Ponerology

     Now add to this strange fantasy the ability to conceal from other people that your psychological makeup is radically different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes that con-science is universal among human beings, hiding the fact that you are conscience-free is nearly effortless. You are not held back from any of your desires by guilt or shame, and you are never confronted by others for your cold-bloodedness. The ice water in your veins is so bizarre, so completely outside of their personal experience, that they seldom even guess at your condition. In other words, you are completely free of internal re-straints, and your unhampered liberty to do just as you please, with no pangs of conscience, is conveniently invisible to the world. You can do anything at all, and still your strange advantage over the majority of people, who are kept in line by their consciences will most likely remain undiscovered… How will you live your life?  ( more... )

The first manuscript of this book went into the fire five minutes before the arrival of the secret police in Communist Poland. The second copy, reassembled painfully by scientists working under impossible conditions of repression, was sent via a courier to the Vatican. Its receipt was never acknowledged, no word was ever heard from the courier - the manuscript and all the valuable data was lost. The third copy was produced after one of the scientists working on the project escaped to America in the 1980s. Zbigniew Brzezinski suppressed it.



100 Zakazanych Książek

Table Of Contents

Historia cenzury dzieł literatury światowej

100 zakazanych książek

Nicholas J. Karolides, Margaret Bald, Dawn B. Sova

Z angielskiego przełożył Jarosław Mikos

100 historii o tym jak władze totalitarnych państw, instytucje religijne i pruderyjna opinia publiczna zakazywały druku i czytania książek kwestionujących ich przekonania lub podważających ich "autorytet". Od "Dekamerona" po "Ulissesa", od "Cierpień młodego Wertera" po "Szatańskie wersety", a także "Oliver Twist" i "Pani Bovary" - wiele książek znajdujących się dziś w kanonie literatury światowej było kiedyś poddawanych cenzurze politycznej, obyczajowej, społecznej i religijnej.

100 Banned Books: Censorship Histories of World Literature

  • Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds: Animal Farm,  Dr. Zhivago,  The Grapes of Wrath,  Uncle Tom's Cabin,  Slaughterhouse-Five and many more... 

  • Literature Suppressed on Religious Grounds: The Bible,  The Koran, The Talmud, The Last Temptation of Christ, Oliver Twist,  The Satanic Verses,  The Age of Reason and more...

  • Literature Suppressed on Moral Grounds:  The Bluest Eye,  Lolita,  Madame Bovary,  Lady Chatterley' Lover,  Ulysses,  One thousand and one night and more...

  • Literature Suppressed on Social Grounds:  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,  The Canterbury Tales, The Bell Jar,  Fahrenheit 451,  Black Like Me and more...



American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America by Chris Hedges

Twenty-five years ago, when Pat Robertson and other radio and televangelists first spoke of the United States becoming a Christian nation that would build a global Christian empire, it was hard to take such hyperbolic rhetoric seriously. Today, such language no longer sounds like hyperbole but poses, instead, a very real threat to our freedom and our way of life. In American Fascists, Chris Hedges, veteran journalist and author of the National Book Award finalist War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, challenges the Christian Right's religious legitimacy and argues that at its core it is a mass movement fueled by unbridled nationalism and a hatred for the open society.

Hedges does a great job of exposing how the Christian Right serves fascism - fascism defined as the marriage of corporate power and the government, along with beligerent nationalism and the utilization of state violence. There's no better example of that marriage than our massive military industrial complex and the growing prison industrial complex. It can be difficult to get normal, healthy human beings to support invasions, overthrows, economic injustice and global class war; but when people like Pat Robertson and James Dobson are there to put a smiley, pious face on it, then "good" Americans will rally behind the cause of Christo-fascism.



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The Politics of Anti-Semitism (Paperback)
by Alexander Cockburn (Editor), Jeffrey St. Clair (Editor)

How did a term, once used accurately to describe the most virulent evil, become a charge flung at the mildest critic of Israel, particularly concerning its atrocious treatment of Palestinians?

Edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, the print and online journal CounterPunch has become a must read for hundreds of thousands a month who no longer believe anything they read in the mainstream press beyond the sports scores. On the subject of Israel and Palestine, the Israeli lobby in the U.S., the current Middle East crisis, and its ramifications at home and abroad, CounterPunch has been unrivaled.

Excellent book that explores the differences between race based hatred of Jews and legitate criticism of Israel and Zionism. Half of the authors are Jewish, also known as "self hating Jews" to the Israel can do no wrong crowd who dismiss this book, and anyone who questions or criticizes Israel, as racist and anti-Semitic.

By refusing to differentiate between legitmate criticism of Israel's racist, apartheid policies (which are openly discussed in the mainstream Israeli press but not in the mainstream U.S. press)(...), these short sighted critics are giving a good name to anti-Semitism.


Robert Fisk | John Pilger | Michael Parenti | James Petras

Download videos of 9/11 In Plane Site 9-11 by Noam ChomskyHegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance (The American Empire Project)The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media that Love Them The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror If you flip over the rock of American foreign policy of the past century, this is what crawls out :  invasions ... bombings ... overthrowing governments ... suppressing movements for social change ... assassinating political leaders ... perverting elections ... manipulating labor unions ... manufacturing news ... death squads ... torture ... biological warfare ... depleted uranium ... drug trafficking ... mercenaries ... Opium Lords - After President John F. Kennedy was killed in 1963, America became deeply involved in the Vietnam War. Within a few short years, heroin addiction in America reached epidemic proportions. In the background, Israel expanded its borders by force and became a colonial empire ruling a nation of hostile Palestinian subjects. This book reveals how Israel exploited the Western powers’ long history of opium trafficking as a means of toppling the American president. Autor odsłania przed nami najskrytsze tajemnice Watykanu; jak - dzięki powiązaniom z państwami faszystowskimi - z bankruta przedzierzgnął się on w bogacza i stał się wielce dochodowym przedsiębiorstwem, zaangażowanym m.in. w produkcję broni i... Noam Chomsky on Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy „ Czy podczas "zimnej wojny" przypadkiem nas nie oszukano?  Czy naprawdę była to wojna pomiędzy totalitaryzmem i demokracją, czy też tylko odwieczna konfrontacja pomiędzy przeważającą na kuli ziemskiej społecznością biednych i będącą w mniejszości społecznością bogatych ? The Great War for Civilisation : The Conquest of the Middle East ... Only one Western journalist has gained access to the inner sanctum of al-Qa'ida. In this extraordinary account from his new book Robert Fisk recalls meeting the world's most wanted man.... Czy każdego ranka, gdy - jak tylko kur zapieje - wstajecie rano z łóżek, nie chcielibyście zaczynać dnia słowami: "Tak długo, jak istnieje niższa klasa, jestem jej członkiem. Tak długo jak istnieje przestępczość, jestem jej częścią. Tak długo jak więziony jest człowiek, nie poczuję się wolny"? 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis


"American DIPLOMACY" IN THE Middle East


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